The Search For Apocalypse book by author Michael R Hutchinson

The Search For Apocalypse

A reason for the human attraction to predictions of catastrophe

by Michael R Hutchinson

In The Search for Apocalypse, Michael R Hutchinson delves into humanity’s primal fears and our collective fascination with doom-laden forecasts. Drawing upon an array of historical, scientific, and philosophical perspectives, Hutchinson questions the prevalent societal norms that often depend on ‘proof by consensus.’

Evoking past apocalyptic prophecies, the book challenges the very foundations of the fear-mongering narratives perpetuated across centuries. As we navigate through an era punctuated by sensationalism and ‘end-of-days’ predictions, Hutchinson argues that our responses are not mere reactions to cherry-picked external threats, but rather outcomes dictated by our genetically inherited survival instinct. This intricate exploration forces us to confront our embedded anxieties, particularly in a world increasingly driven by alarmist politics and media. Are we prisoners of our own primal fears, easily manipulated into compliance?


This book is for all the ‘Deniers’, Sceptics, Free thinkers and those who question the common view. It is also for those who challenge a ‘proof by consensus’ as being the only ‘truth’.

Excerpt from The Search for Apocalypse

It is the consequential conclusion of each chapter which inevitably leads one to believe that today’s Global Society could be facing an imminent evolutionary change which, if realised, could be the apocalyptic scenario so often anticipated.

Excerpt from The Search for Apocalypse

This application of sensationalism now seems to apply to nearly every facet of reported life. It could well be the cause of untold levels of stress across all age groups, now generally referred to as ‘Mental Health Issues’.

Excerpt from The Search for Apocalypse

But the need to satisfy the inherited trigger mechanism is greater than the need to verify or authenticate the source of the fear, the reaction is subliminal. An effect that can be utilised by the powers that be for whatever purpose.

Excerpt from The Search for Apocalypse

I believe that this exposes the direct effect that the internet has had in exacerbating the Herd Instinct, and the resulting consequences, for society and humanity at large.

Excerpt from The Search for Apocalypse

5 Stars

“an original and thought provoking view of how populations will behave in response to stated ‘crises’, and the tendency for people to subsume individuality to ‘group think’ and blind conformance”

Praise for The Search for Apocalypse

“a convincing perception of the effect that social media has in escalating crises, regardless of the authenticity of the ‘facts’ presented.”

Praise for The Search for Apocalypse

“a unique and convincing argument for considering what may be a long-term plan for instating authoritarian control, by utilising a genetically embedded human instinct.”

Praise for The Search for Apocalypse

“a new and unparalleled insight into the potential for ‘Authority’ to misrepresent data for political misdirection, so as to manipulate public opinion.”

Praise for The Search for Apocalypse


Michael R Hutchinson Author


In many ways, it is not surprising that I have a propensity for questioning anything that is stated as ‘fact’ and which is not based on accepted criteria or proof.
This is born out by my having been attracted to those subjects at school which required objective study, as opposed to subjective acceptance. Hence, I did well in the Sciences and poorly in the Arts.

It is not surprising therefore that, following school, I followed a career path into engineering and ultimately into electronics and design, where the accepted methods are continuously questioned and tested.
An extrapolation of this trait has been for me to question why human society has such an attraction to bad news, and a consequential obsession with sensationalism. Nothing seems to excite more than fear, which is demonstrated at an early age when children have a desire to be frightened by stories designed to scare them.
Is this the reason why news of a sensational nature so dominates the media? Is it because they understand that people prefer news that satisfies their natural fears, exhibited in childhood?
This application of sensationalism now seems to apply to every facet of any news, irrespective of its authenticity, and is, I believe, purposely designed to capture the human attraction and response to fear, for whatever purpose.
I believe that my questioning of, and views on, this human reaction are reinforced by those of eminent Scientist, Authors, and Philosophers, such as Neil Oliver and Douglas Murray, who equally question the reason for blind belief in and acceptance of crisis rhetoric, without proof or challenge, by the public at large.
I examine this phenomenon in my book, The Search for Apocalypse, and draw logical conclusions, which leads one to consider the possibility of a duplicitous need for power and control.


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